Business & Strategy

Scott Finkelstein: A Life of Leadership, Purpose, and Impact

Scott Finkelstein’s career reads like a masterclass in leadership, transformation, and purposeful impact. As a founder, coach, mentor, executive, and author of KaChING ,...

From the Professional Journey of David Martínez de Lecea: Serving Over 20 Years in Finance and Technology

Finance, technology, wealth management Meet David Martínez de Lecea is a dynamic professional whose career seamlessly blends financial expertise with a deep understanding of technology....

From the Professional Journey of Wayne Brouwer: Serving 44 Years in Ministry and Education

Professor at Hope College and Western Theological Seminary, Ph.D. from McMaster University Meet Wayne Brouwer from Holland, Michigan. A seasoned educator and minister, Wayne has...

Empowering Generations: Dr. Mariam Shaikh’s Lifelong Dedication to Education and Leadership

Founder & CEO at MS Education Consultants | Visionary in Higher Education & Student Empowerment | Advocate for Women’s Empowerment and Refugee Education Meet Dr....

From Mindset Coaching to Global Impact: Sheena Eizmendiz’s Leadership in Wellness and Development

Sheena Eizmendiz | CEO of The WellBiz | Mindset Coach, Strategic Advisor, and Facilitator Specializing in Leadership, Resilience, and Emotional Intelligence Meet Sheena Eizmendiz Based in...


